Growing Into Motherhood.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

6 months old and 6 months in

Today my beautiful baby girl is 6 months old.  Like any parent would say...time sure does move quickly.  While Lyla has grown a tremendous amount in these past months, so have I.  I have learned a lot about parenthood and a lot about myself.  It is funny how in the course of a year how much your life can truly change.  So in celebration of her (and my) 6 month marker, I have created a list of the top things I  have learned about becoming a mommy. 

20) Worrying is part of the gig.  I always criticized my mother for worrying too much, and now I know why she did (and still does) it.
19) Getting your hair pulled is no longer kinky.
18) Strangers with dirty hands (and long fingernails) touching your baby is not cool.
17) I have more upper body strength than I have ever had.  No weights needed...lugging a meaty baby in a carrier is better than any set of dumbbells.
16) Buying baby clothes is just like coffee in the morning...I just can't say 'no.'
15)  Thank goodness for digital cameras.  I can only imagine how many countless (and some not so great) prints I would have already.
14) High heels become the forgotten shoe.
13) I am pretty darn good at making up songs on the spot.
12) Showering alone is a rarity. Garrett just wishes it was with him.
11) Sharing favorite songs and books with Lyla are some of my most cherished moments. My favorites books are the Runaway Bunny and The Monster At The End Of This Book.
10) Poop is an extraordinary excrement.  I like it better when it stays inside the diaper.
9) Having family near by is truly a blessing.  It also makes for some great entertainment.
8) Making time for myself.  This doesn't mean I am selfish. I am a mommy, but I am also Caroline. I can't forget that.
7) Making time to do things with my hubby.  Date nights and "alone time" are still in order after having a baby.  Sex isn't just for making babies!
6) Set realistic goals. 20 lbs in 12 weeks...not realistic for a mommy like myself.  Set smaller and more achievable goals so I feel good about accomplishing them. (I am happy to report that I am 5 lbs away from my pre-baby weight). 
5) Watching Garrett with Lyla always makes me smile.
4) The moments where Lyla reaches for me, smiles at me, or laughs with me...make my heart melt.
3) I have learned to laugh with life.  Things are not always going to be easy, but a little laughter really does go a long way.
2) Sacrifice is something I will always be willing to do if it involves my daughter. This also goes hand in hand with: the day I get a new job and go back to work is really going to suck.
1) I truly understand what "a mother's love" means.

I am looking forward to what will be in store for us during the next 6 months.  The small moments in life are what truly make each day a lovely day.   {Cue song, "Lovely Day" by Bill Withers}.

1 comment:

Essential Mama Baby said...

It's unbelievable how much we learn from our kids. We tend to think that we are going to teach them everything, but at the end, it's a two-way street!
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