Growing Into Motherhood.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's a new dawn, it's a new day

image source: skull and bones

How do us moms do it?  I think about this question when I am up to all hours with a sick little girl, when I am cleaning the apartment, feeding my little girl, being asked what we are doing for dinner, waking up for work, doing homework (now that I am working towards my teaching license), and trying to decide whether or not I can truly get my butt to the gym. But after all realize there is just something innate about motherhood. You just do it- without hesitation- and with all the love, care, and compassion in your heart.  That's all sweet and good (and I truly meant every word) but being mom doesn't mean chase around your child all day every day, chop your hair (i confess I did cut my hair), and leave no time for anything fun.  Time to get badass.  I am not talking about turning into a biker chick with tattoos badass, but we need to live a little. Here are some of my thoughts of what being a "badass" mom means:

1) Crossfit, Tough Mudder, Marathon, Half Marathon, Tri-athlon, Century Ride.  Any mom who can pull off training for one of these is pretty bad ass.

2) 7 days of sex.  If you can pull off initiating and having 7 straight days (or longer) of sex while having one (or more) child(ren) at are pretty bad ass.

3) Do something daring. I am not talking about walking across a highway in prime time traffic. Daring means something different to everyone. So that one thing you have always wanted to do but never did...just do it.  At this point you have a kid or two or three...and you aren't getting any younger. Live it up.

4) Invest in a waterproof "pleasure toy", because you know the only time you may have to have some "alone time" is in the shower. This is what I would call secretly badass :)

5) Moms who get knocked up with twins or multiples.  You moms are definitely badass.  If you deliver them vaginally ( is that even possible?) you are most definitely badass.

Anyhow those are my thoughts. As of right now... I am far from badass according to all of the above. Certainly an eye opener, haha.  If you have any add-ons...speak up!

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