Growing Into Motherhood.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bestfriends Rub Popsicles

Two girls bundled in snowsuits sitting on top of a hill.  One looks at the other and says "I just peed in my pants because I had to go to the bathroom."  "You did?" says the other.  "I have to go to the bathroom too" she continues.  "Well," replies the girl, "You should pee in your snow pants too, because it makes you warm." "Okay," the other girl says.

For a five year old, I had some pretty convincing tactics...don't ya think?  Yes, I was the girl who initially peed in her snow pants.  I can pretty much remember my logic for doing it too.  I was so bundled up (thanks mom) that I was convinced that by the time I made it to a bathroom and undressed...I would have peed in my pants anyways.  So why not just "own the moment" and enjoy the relief.  Convincing my best friend to join me was just an added bonus.

Most everyone had (and probably still has) a 'bestie' (or multiple 'besties').  Someone to share your secrets with, someone you have inside jokes with, and someone who is there for you through it all.  I recently came across an old article in the  New York Times that questioned whether or not parents should allow their children to have a 'best friend'.  I immediately thought..."What kind of psychological doo doo did someone come up with to spark this debate?" It seems that discouraging best friendships amongst children, "... is meant to head off bullying and other extreme consequences of social exclusion."... Lame. While I can understand how bullying is an issue amongst some children, I can hardly believe that 'best friends' are at the heart of the matter.

Some of the best memories from my childhood are those that I share with the lovely blonde gal pictured above...Bernadette.  Bernadette and I spent the majority of our childhood years together.  We played together. We had a million sleepovers together.  We even shared half a heart to a 'best friend necklace' (err many best friend necklaces).  We met each other at the wee age of three years old and (as our mothers put it) became inseparable. We were together so much so, that even our families blended in with one another.   From Cabbage Patch Kid dolls to Barbies to listening to Madonna to wearing Abercrombie and Fitch... we grew older.

There are so many memories that we share from our childhood, and it is still fun to reminisce about the ones we both cherish.  I taught Bernadette how to say, "I want something from you" in Arabic. She threw me on a horse [bare back] to teach me how to ride for the first time. We always played "heart & soul" on her piano together.  We made up countless dance routines...our favorite was to Madonna's Like a Prayer (which we still both remember). When we ate popsicles in the summer time we would rub them together so that we could each taste the other one's flavor. Memories, like these, are a distinct part of my past and I couldn't imagine myself without them. To this very day we share a bond that resembles sisters. Bernadette is even expecting her first child in November! It is wonderful to share life's milestones with such a close friend.

Sure, maybe 'best friends' can lead to kids being clicky. It may even incite kids to gang up on one another...but kids are kids.  As parents, you can only hope that you raise your kids to do right. I am excited for the day where Lyla tells us that she has a "best friend."  That will be much better than the day she tells us she has a "boyfriend."


Jennifer Hall said...

Love the Blog!

Denise McDonough said...

I love this! I think I am peeing my pants laughing!
But such a great bestfriend story :) I have had a bestfriend for 24 years :) her name is Liz just thought I would share her name lol